Usually GRUB image is in 14 cloor with max 640*480 resolution.
1.We have to convert the jpeg image to that format
In Konsole type
#convert -depth 8 -colors 14 resize 640*480 "location of the jpg file" "target"
Eg: #convert -depth 8 -colors 14 resize 640*480 /root/grub/photo.jpg /root/grub/photo.xpm
2.Then we have to compress it.So use gzip.Go to the /root/grub/ dir and type
#gzip photo.xpm
It gives photo.xpm.gz file.
3.Now modify the grub config file
Open grub.conf file in /boot/grub dir
And look for the line 'splashimage='
Here give " splashimage=/root/grub/photo.xpm.gz "
Now reboot the system and see the change.