Question: You have a VPS client and he is asking to increase disk-inodes limit, how would you do that? Before we just jump and increase Disk-Inode, we will learn basic things about disk inodes, and here we go.
What is Disk Inodes?
Full information about Inodes can be found here, but for simplicity. Inodes is file identification number of each file in unix/linux system; contain information about like user and group ownership, access mode and type of file. 2 different file that have different information will create 2 Inodes, but 2 file that has exactly the same information will only create 1 Inode
To see the inode information of a file, you can use the following command.
# ls -i filename
How to increase Disk Inode?
grep DISK /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts/255.conf (To check)
nano /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts/255.conf (Edit disk Inodes)
Note: 255 is VPS ID
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