1) Create one text file username-migration.txt file and add the the user name , which you want to create packages.
2) Create Migration directory for to move all the cpmove files from /home directory to Migration directory.
then use the following command to create cpmove packages and moved to “Migration” directory.
root@delinux # for i in `cat /home/username-migration.txt`;do /scripts/pkgacct $i; mv /home/cpmove-$i.tar.gz /home/Migration/;done
For migrating Reseller and/or Bulk accounts between cpanel servers:
For Reseller Accounts:-
root@delinux # cat /etc/trueuserowners | grep username | awk '{print "/scripts/pkgacct "$1}'
root@delinux # cat /etc/trueuserowners | awk '{print $1}' > 1.txt
then remove the sign “:” from 1.txt
root@delinux # for i in `cat 1.txt`;do /scripts/pkgacct $i; mv /home/cpmove-$i.tar.gz /home/Migration/;done
Then move the “Migration" folder and 1.txt file to remote server and by using following command restore all the accounts.
root@delinux # for i in `cat 1.txt`;do /scripts/restorepkg $i;done
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